The show started with Dexter and his brother Brian on Dexter’s boat, discussing the darkness and dumping a body. Deb called Dexter and told him to meet personally, wherever she had said that Trinity’s wife and female offspring were killed at their protected homestead in the Cornhusker State, and Trinity must have done it! Dexter was intrigued and knew that Jonah had to be the perpetrator here. He told Deb he’d want a while off to clear his head of things. She told him to check-in daily, however in true Dexter fashion, he took a road trip to Nebraska.
He planted himself before of Jonah, confirmed that Jonah did it, and so the two got into a fight. Dexter planned to kill him, and with Brian attempting to keep Dexter ‘dark’ throughout the length of the episode, it appeared seemingly this may happen. Dexter realized that Jonah wanted for this to happen, willed Dexter to kill him as a result of he couldn’t address the guilt and sorrow. Dexter saw Jonah had a soul, feelings, and wouldn’t be similar to Trinity!
During his time in Nebraska, Dexter stays at a shady motor hotel. The manager on duty helps fix a blown out tire for Dexter, yet steals his knife set within the SUV. Dexter and Brian find themselves face to face with the man who assumes they will go to the authorities about his hidden marijuana farm in his corn field. They killing him before they leave with a pitch fork and provides viewers a couple of nail-biting moments for the episode.
Meanwhile, back at the Doomsday plot line, Travis disobeyed Gellar and commenced spending time along with his sister (Molly Parker). As he was doing dishes, he saw Gellar outside the window and Gellar told him to again follow with him in his killings. Travis refused and expressed he was finished with Gellar and Gellar’s beliefs. Gellar told Travis that God decides, not Travis, and warranted Travis he’d be back. Travis later shows himself at Gellar’s place, Gellar thought Travis was back, however he merely came to drop of Gellar’s belongings.